I’m Stephanie.
I'm a fine artist and live wedding painter, educator and podcast host with a mission to help other artists WIN.
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Ep. 11: Invisible to Unstoppable, Part 2: How A Stifled Dream Led to Global Success w/ Rebekka Lord-Johnson

The Composed Artist Podcast

October 31, 2024

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Ep. 11: Invisible to Unstoppable, Part 2: How A Stifled Dream Led to Global Success w/ Rebekka Lord-Johnson

The Composed Artist is a podcast that explores the intersection of artistry, entrepreneurship and self-improvement and the pursuit of a more composed life.

In Episode 11 of The Composed Artist, host Stephanie Gaffney interviews Rebekka Lord-Johnson, the world-renowned wedding painter, about the challenges and rewards of balancing motherhood and a creative career. Rebecca shares her experiences of navigating pregnancy and postpartum while running her business, offering valuable insights and advice for fellow artists. They discuss the importance of setting boundaries, communicating with clients, and finding ways to stay motivated and inspired. Rebecca also reveals her strategies for overcoming burnout and maintaining a fulfilling work-life balance. This episode is full of practical tips and heartfelt stories for any creative entrepreneur juggling family life and a thriving business.

The Composed Artist is the podcast for the bold, creative, passionate, and genuine artist.

| Connect with Rebekka Lord-Johnson |

Website | https://www.theweddingpainter.com.au/

Instagram for Rebekka Lord-Johnson | https://www.instagram.com/the.wedding.painter/

TikTok for Rebekka Lord-Johnson | https://www.tiktok.com/@bek.lj

| Connect with Stephanie |

Website | https://stephaniegaffney.com/

Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/torregrossafineart/   

TikTok | https://www.tiktok.com/@torregrossafineart 

Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/TorregrossaFineArt/ 

| Connect with The Composed Artist |

Website | https://stephaniegaffney.com/podcast/ 

Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/thecomposedartist 

YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/@TheComposedArtist 

Spotify | https://open.spotify.com/show/44VXy2paykbwxGoACcEOCe 

RSS | https://anchor.fm/s/fae133f4/podcast/rss 

| Affiliates & Sponsors| 

Laurie Anne’s Art To Print Course | https://learn.laurieanneart.com/

Rosemary & Co | https://www.rosemaryandco.com/ USE CODE: STEPHANIE-GAFFNEY

Gamblin | https://gamblincolors.com/ 

Honeybook | https://share.honeybook.com/stephaniegaffney 

Stephanie’s Amazon Store | https://www.amazon.com/shop/torregrossafineart?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_aipsfshop_aipsftorregrossafineart_2AK0V82BHBS81X7RKR8G

Be sure to sign up for Stephanie’s latest course – The Wedding Painter’s Blueprint – AVAILABLE HERE: https://stephaniegaffney.com/wedding-painters-blueprint/ 

Thank you!

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the composed artist podcast

The Composed Artist Podcast

Where to listen: In the Studio or  On The Go

Listen to The Composed Artist Podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcast, and watch the show on Youtube!

The Wedding Painter's Blueprint is an incredible resource for artists 1-3 years in business, or just starting out. It's packed with content, critiques and the community you've been searching for.